10 Things I've Learned In My 25 Years


10 Things I've Learned In My 25 Years

Life taught me a lot and made me realize how strong I can be in handling challenging circumstances. It revealed to me the deficiencies I had that I presumed were my strengths. It trained me how to bounce back from a failure and eventually succeed. Lastly, it proved to me how unpleasant matters become if I allow my inner demons to take charge of me.

I did have a few regrets. There were a lot of things that did not go as planned. Many unforeseen events and turns, but it is what makes life exciting. It is full of surprises.

Before I step into a new year, I want to share 10 things I learned in my 25 years of existence:

Do Not Compare Yourself With Others

"A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms." - Zen Shin

Since we live in this fast-paced society, we want to reach the top right away and ignore the process. We worry about getting left behind. We are bothered when others accomplish what they want at a young age or when our equals get ahead of us. Each of us has different circumstances, fights, and priorities. They may be of varying degrees, but all of us will eventually get there at the right time as long as we focus on OUR OWN GOALS.  

You Don't Have To Be "Friends" With Everyone

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Forget trying to please everyone because no matter what we do, there will always be people who will not like us for whatever reason. 

Surround yourself with people who support and bring out the best in you. Remove yourself from "friends" who don't want your happiness and wish your downfall.

Allow Failures and Rejections Teach You How To Be Better, If Not, The Best

"Rejection is merely a redirection; a course correction to your destiny." - Bryant McGill

Life is not easy. We will always encounter ups and downs. Release your anger or sadness after failing or getting rejected, but don't allow it to destroy you and lessen your self-confidence. Continuously see it as an opportunity to improve what you are lacking (example: skills).  

Listen To Your Parents

"Listen to your parents. Be obedient to them whether you agree with them or not. They love you more than anyone else and have your best interests at heart." - James E. Faust

Becoming an adult is difficult. The term 'responsibility' becomes a big word. 

One of the best people to ask for advice is our parents. Just listen to them and know what their views and thoughts are. Who knows that you might get a lot of tips and ideas from them.

Always Prioritize Self-Care

"Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what's left of you." - Katie Reed

Self-care means that we love and accept ourselves. Love and acceptance mean happiness.

Make Your Dreams Into Plans, Then Plans Into Action

"Dreams don't work unless you take action." - Roy T. Bennett

Dreams will never become a reality if we don't create plans to put them into life. Bear in mind that in making plans or goals, it should be attainable. Setting goals too high would only lead to not doing them at all.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

"To be successful, get yourself out of the situation that makes you feel comfortable." - Nitin Namdeo

Sometimes, we need to get out of our shells. Trying something different will allow us to grow, seek new opportunities and experiences, and boost our confidence. This way, we will become more resilient and equipped for whatever comes our way.  

Be Open-Minded

"If people have a basic understanding of right from wrong, possess a strong desire to better themselves and persist in their cause, they can break the chain of any negative environment." - Dave Pelzer

Being an open-minded person is seemingly one of the most troublesome to learn while growing up since each of us are brought up with a set of values and beliefs. Most of us find it exhausting to make a stand when confronted with ideas that challenge our own. 

By being open-minded, we allow ourselves to embrace change, consider, and welcome arguments and ideas that do not align with ours. This does not necessarily mean to change our values and beliefs, but this allows us to have an option.

Pray Constantly

"If you are a stranger to prayer, you are a stranger to the greatest source of power known to human beings." - Billy Sunday

Nothing beats prayer. For every blessing, milestone, heartache, or anything that comes into your life, pray to God. Period.

Let Go Of Grudges And Bitterness

"In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you." - Buddha

One thing I realized from the pandemic is that life is so short. Whether we like it or not, each of us has our time limit here on Earth. Wasting our time on such emotions will not allow us to grow and we will always be living in the past. 

It will be so hard when the wounds are so deep or when we're too attached to a certain 'thing', but letting go of the grudges and bitterness allow us to enjoy life and gain that peace of mind that each of us deserves. Give up on that excess baggage and give yourself a chance to be happy.

Thank you for stopping by to read this post and I hope you, too, learned something from this. Have a nice day! 

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